
Linux v4.9 released, BayLibre contributions

The v4.9 release of the Linux Kernel has just been announced, and BayLibre has made the top 20 list of companies contributing to the Linux Kernel this…

ACME and pyacmegraph – Part 1 / 2

A couple of weeks ago, we made public the ‘pyacmegraph’ tool that might interest you if you use our ACME probes for power management study…

BayLibre 3rd Anniversary

October 11 was the third anniversary of the founding of BayLibre and the team celebrated in style! As usual, this anniversary occurred around the same…

Kernel Recipes 2016

BayLibre was proud to be a sponsor of this this years Kernel Recipes conference in Paris.  Kernel Recipes is a small, technical conference focused on various topics…

Happy New Year!

The BayLibre team wishes you a Happy New Year!
